i've got a few books to be read these days, so i thought i'd put them up here to remind myself which ones i'd like to focus on and prioritize...
Practicing Resurrection
Cris Rogers |
this book has been recommended to me by a friend, and will say that this isn't my normal cup of tea. the cover design of a sticky-tape cross and a 'vote 4 jesus' sticker would make me pass it up before even reading the description on the back cover... lols, as would the mention of shane claiborne, who wrote the foreword :)... not that i have anything against shane claiborne, but a book of his was left behind (on purpose??) after a parental visit, and though deb and others have enjoyed it, it wasn't something that i had the slightest interest in.
however, back to this book. its always good to get another perspective in, and this is definitely one that i mayn't have. from the introduction, i do agree with his stand, but it'll be the rest of the book that hopefully will tell me something worthwhile...
what do i hope to get from reading this book? hopefully not even more cynicism towards todays christian activists...
The Curious Incident of the
Dog in the Night-time
Mark Haddon |
this should be a fun one. ida just gave us this one, before she left, and it looks like a great fun read. i haven't heard of it, or the author, before, but ida thought it was good fun, and that's enough for me, so far...
The Older Testament
Margaret Barker |
Margaret Barker has been very much at the center of my Christian redirection, and this is her first book. very dense, it makes me stop after every few pages and take a deep breath. over christmas i read her 'Christmas: the Original Story', and it was full of ideas and thoughts that i'd never had before. i've been trying to finish 'the Older Testament' for a few years now, and i do hope to get there this year, as i've got her next three books, as well as her latest, 'Creation', waiting for me on the shelf.
i'm finding the temple themes that she pulls out very clarifying, and that leads me onto a few more of the books i have waiting...
Dwelling in the
Household of God
Mary Coloe |
i don't remember how i came across this book, but i think it had something to do with
Father Tim Mansfield. mmm, can't remember how, though...
either way, Johannine spirituality has been interesting me more and more, as i read various books and blogs, and visit sites such as the
Apostolic Johannite Church...
what do i want from this book? a deeper understanding of living as a member of a johannite community...
the Corpus Hermeticum |
lastly, the Corpus Hermeticum. this book is on the toolkit list at johannite.org, so i thought i'd pick it up. also,
Jordan Stratford issued a challenge to read this little book, so here we go...
what do i want from this book? i really don't know :), but its very interesting so far...
the Philokalia |
the Philokalia is a long term one. there are four volumes, and each is so densely packed with ancient Christian wisdom that its going to take forever to get through. i'm going to try and post some extracts as i go through, too, so i hope that'll help it all sink in better.
phew, this could take awhile :)