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In the name of the Unknown Father, in Truth, Mother of all, in union and redemption and sharing of the powers, peace to all on whom this name reposes.
The Gnostic`s Creed
I acknowledge one great invisible God, unrevealable, unmarked, ageless and unproclaimable ; the unknown Father, the Aeon of the aeons, who brought forth in the silence with his providence : the Father, the Mother, and the Son.
I acknowledge the Christos, the self-begotten living son, the glory of the Father and the virtue of the Mother, who given birth from the virginal and ineffable mother was made incarnate, the Perfect one. Who in the word of the Great Invisible God, came down from above to annul the emptiness of this age and restore the fullness to the Aeon.
I acknowledge the Holy Spirit, the Bride of the Christos, the Mother of the Aeons, the great virginal and ineffable Mother who proceeded from herself a gift of Herself out of the silence of the Unknown God.
I acknowledge the Light of the one church in every place: Interior, Invisible, Secret and Universal, the foundation of the lights of the great living God. I seek liberation of my perfection from the corruptions of the world and look to the gathering of the sparks of Light from the sea of forgetfulness.
The Gnostic`s Prayer
Almighty God, whose footstool is the highest firmament : Great Ruler of Heaven, and all the powers therein : Hear the prayers of Thy Servants, who put their trust in Thee. We pray Thee, supply our needs from day to day : command Thy heavenly host to comfort and succor us : That it may be to Thy glory and unto the good of man. Forgive us our transgressions as we forgive our brothers and sisters : be present with us: strenghten and sustain us : For we are but instruments in Thy hands. Let us not fall into temptation : defend us from all danger and evil : Let Thy mighty power ever guard and protect us. Thou great fount of knowledge and Wisdom : Instruct Thy servants by Thy holy presence : Guide and support us, now and forever.
Hail Sophia
Hail Sophia, full of light, the Christ is with thee, blessed art thou among all the aeons, and blessed is the liberator of thy light, Jesus. Holy Sophia, Mother of all gods, pray to the Light for us thy children, now and in the hour of our death.
Gloria Patri
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, unto the aeons of aeons.
the Order of the Recitation of the Holy Gnostic Rosary.
01. The sign of the Cross and the Gnostic`s Creed
02. The Gnostic`s prayer
03. Hail Sophia three times.
04. Gloria Patri
05. Announce the First Mystery: then say The Gnostic`s Prayer.
The First Gnostic Mystery: The Assumption of Sophia.
Hail to the Great Savior, for He has lifted the Soul and the Heart of the Heavens out of the prisonhouse of matter and raised Her up into the Pleroma.
06. Hail Sophia ten times, while meditating on the Mystery.
07. Gloria Patri.
08. Announce the Second Mystery : then say the Gnostic`s Prayer.
The Second Gnostic Mystery: The Coronation of Sophia.
And the Lord gave unto Sophia a crown with twelve stars which are the lights of redemption and the Throne of Manifestation for Her seat, and He also gave unto Her the Cross of Mystery as a scepter by which she shall rule the Aeons.
09. Hail Sophia ten times, while meditating on the Mystery.
10. Gloria Patri.
11. Announce the third Mystery: then say the Gnostic`s Prayer.
The Third Gnostic Mystery: The Renunciation.
And the Lord laid the Kingdom at Her feet, and renounced all sovereignty and rule unto Her Throne. The sword that he brought he received at her hands, to redeem and to conquer for the reception of the Light.
12. Hail Sophia ten times, while meditating on the Mystery.
13. Gloria Patri.
14. Announce the fourth Mystery: then say the Gnostic`s Prayer.
The Fourth Gnostic Mystery: The Bride Chamber.
"My Soul doth magnify the Lord, for a lowly handmaid hath been found perfected in Sophia and the King is come. Be it done according to thy Word".
The King answered and said, "Arise, O Daughter of the Light, and enter into thy rest."
15. Hail Sophia ten times, while meditating on the Mystery.
16. Gloria Patri.
17. Announce the fifth Mystery: then say the Gnostic`s Prayer.
The Fifth Gnostic Mystery: The Descent of the New Jerusalem.
Behold, a small star from the Heavens descends to the Earth, With Light more brilliant than the Sun. It comes to dwell in the Hearts of the children of men, and these hearts are the foundation upon which is built the Eternal City, New Jerusalem.
18. Hail Sophia ten times, while meditating on the Mystery.
19. Closing prayer.
Closing Prayer
O Gentle, O Kind, O Blessed Sophia, Thy children on earth call unto Thee. We pray Thee, Beloved Mother, to cast forth thy net of woven starlight. Fling it wide across the ocean of the universe to gather us home to the realms of Light. Amen.
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