this is my blog about my life, and if i want to change my booklist, so be it. i reign from my little deskchair, and i control the bookshelf!!
'Practicing Resurrection' is still there, but its really getting hard to want to finish this book. i agree with the idea that Cris Rogers has, but his energy makes me suspicious, and this is definitely a shallow reading level. i'm a snob.
Raymond E Feist |
i couldn't finish 'the Curious Incident...', raced through 'the Girl Who chased the Moon', and haven't chosen a fun book to get onto next. i know the latest book in the Kingkiller series, by Patrick Rothfuss, is out, but the bookstore only had a large paperback. i want a smaller one to match the first book. so, maybe i'll just reread Raymond Feist's 'Magician'. its the first fantasy book that really gave me an interest. 'the Lord of the Rings' hadn't gotten me yet as i was perhaps a little young... or, i may not.
the Works of
Dionysius the Areopagite |
i'll trade 'Dwelling in the Household of God' for 'the Works of Dionysius the Areopagite'. i have the Forgotten Books edition, translated by John Parker, but its a heavy, heavy slog. does anyone know of an easier translation? i have also enjoyed the little i've read of the translation by Clarence Rolt, free online.
the 'Corpus Hermeticum' is still in there, but it'll move down the list.
and, i'll trade Margaret Barker's 'the Older Testament' for her 'Creation'.
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